Bridge Builders | Independent Lens | PBS: Across the United States, community leaders of different ages, backgrounds, and geographies are fighting for criminal justice reform. Their work has tangible impacts on the lives of those around them and together they look to a future where no one is left behind. Independent Lens Bridge Builders is a series of short documentaries highlighting these changemakers and their communities, collectively crafting a picture of the reform landscape nationwide. 

Community Aid Network: Community Aid Network is a Minneapolis-based mutual aid collective formed in August 2020 to address the immediate needs of underserved communities suffering from the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism; they build bonds between neighbors, organize volunteers, and redistribute resources. ​​​​​​​
Series Created By: Zac Manuel, Lauren Grace, Cargo
Director: Travis Wood
Producer: Lauren Cargo
Field Producer: Joua Lee Grand
Director of Photography: Zac Manuel
Editor: Paloma Martinez
Composer: Max Moran
Executive Producers: Lois Vossen, Sally Jo Fifer
Supervising Producer: Susan Cohen
Sr. Director, Engagement & Impact Innovation: Sherry Simpson
Commission: Independent Lens, PBS